
They are part of the European scene.


On the 'integration ladder', second and third generation Moroccans do better than other migrations and diasporas.

In their spare time, Moroccans spend more time with native Europeans than Turks, Chinese, etc., who are much more focused on their own group. But that also has disadvantages. Problems are more likely to be on the street. As an immigrant and society, you are less "affected" by a more closed community such as the Turkish one. Not that there aren't problems in those other communities. It's just less visible.

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The super diverse culture of Arabic, Berber, Hassani, etc. to the Moroccan identity also means that Moroccans can easily pronounce all letter sounds and can quickly and perfectly master other languages. According to language experts, Moroccan toddlers, the children of the second and third generations, also have less language delay than other peers.

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